Monday, 7 September 2009

Our Own Kraft

Kraft's name does rather illustrate the truth about America's ethnic make-up, however much we (and sometimes they) might like to pretend otherwise.

But no foreign company should be buying up anything as British as Cadbury. If it needs to "consolidate" or else send jobs abroad, then our fault is to allow the importation, never mind under so archetypally British a name, of the products of such unpatriotic undercutting.


  1. Aaaand just like that, you're back on the "Americans are really Germans!" thing.

    And you think this because the label on a box of macaroni and cheese told you so.

  2. It's important. It explains, or helps to explain, a very great deal.

    I like the Germans. Better schools, policing, transport infrastructure, working conditions, and standards of behaviour. Cleaner streets. A huge domestic manufacturing base. Already out of recession.

    And ownership of their own industries.

    Americans would be a lot better off if they were truer to their German heritage.
