Sunday, 6 September 2009

The BNP On Question Time

The more rope with which to hang themselves, the better.

Having MEPs was the reason given, quite explicitly, for putting UKIP and the Greens on Any Questions? and Question Time. So the Beeb has had no other option.

And why not?

If utterly unrepentant old hands of the Communist Party (at the time the paid agents of an alien power), of Trotskyism, of the International Marxist Group, of the nominally Labour faction of Soviet fellow-travellers, of IRA fund-raising, of the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation, of the “free”-marketeering agitation for everything from the legalisation of heroin and cocaine to the legalisation of sex with children, and of the hired help of apartheid South Africa and Pinochet’s Chile, are allowed on, then why not the utterly unrepentant old hands of the National Socialist Movement and of the National Front?

If supporters of the funny money PFIs, or of the wholesale privatisation of local government services, or of NHS charges (though only in England and only for those under 60), are allowed on, then why not those whose views on, say, race or the death penalty may be wrong, but are nowhere near as unpopular as any of those?

And if supporters of the Iraq War are allowed on, then why not those who probably do not hold a single opinion, however odious, anywhere near as unpopular as that?


  1. As always the audience will be more interesting than the panel. Once a month BBC Norn Iron opts out of the "BBC Network" to show a localised version of Question Time..usually spiced up by one do gooder from England (Germaine Greer and Esther Rantzen are regulars).
    I cant quite see the mystique of the BNP. Sinn Féin-IRA always have a deat on our version. So do the DUP. UUP and SDLP usually. We even have the no hopers in the alliance Party or a Green on occasions.

  2. "I cant quite see the mystique of the BNP"

    Nor can I, in view of the people already allowed on.
