The result of the Tory primary at Totnes gives the lie to the oft-repeated claim that such procedures favour locally well-known middle-aged white men, especially councillors. And even if that were true, what would be the problem?
Extended across all parties and constituencies, primaries would kill off for ever both the economic liberal Right and the cultural liberal Left, the union of which (often in single individuals) now runs this country as a sort of junta on the wholly false premise that that is “the centre ground”, whereas in fact it has caused voter turnout to collapse and the BNP to rise inexorably.
So, no more privatisation, deregulation or demutualisation, but rather the reversal of those which have already happened. No more human-animal hybridity, spare parts babies or abolition of fatherhood, but rather the repeal of such provisions where they already exist. And no more wars, but rather the end of those which are already going on.
In the meantime, however, we need to make our own arrangements in order to secure a pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war parliamentary voice for economically social democratic, morally and socially conservative British and Commonwealth patriots.
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