Can you name the state schools that would adopt the Pre-U if the Tories allowed them to do so? I think you can. London Oratory, Taverstock, William Ellis, Cardinal Bourne, Camden School for Girls, you know the type, by no means only in London, though very heavily concentrated there.
The universities that were great when they could be (i.e., when there were the grammar schools from which to admit in order to make them so) could then insist on the Pre-U, smugly insisting that it was “offered in state schools”.
If Michael Gove really wants to do something about exams, then he should promise to bring back O-levels instead of GCSEs. But that would entail denouncing the Prime Minister who made the change, the Education Secretary who closed so many grammar schools that there were not enough left at the end from the record ever to be equalled. Can you name her? I think you can.
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