Political prisoner, activist, journalist, hymn-writer, emerging thinktanker, aspiring novelist, "tribal elder", 2019 parliamentary candidate for North West Durham, Shadow Leader of the Opposition, "Speedboat", "The Cockroach", eagerly awaiting the second (or possibly third) attempt to murder me.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
A Point Well Made
Sir Nicholas Winterton may have had what now look like rather minor troubles over his allowances. His wife may have an unfortunate sense of humour. But his defence at PMQs of the importance of a strong manufacturing base, itself indispensable both to national self-government and to cultural integrity, was a sign of how important is still the voice that opposed first Thatcherism and then Maastricht on grounds of economically populist, morally and socially conservative, staunchly Unionist, strongly church-based Toryism.
I think you mean "snouts in trough" and an unfortunate "racist" sense of humour.