Perhaps he had been doing as he does here, and inciting the rape of pubescent boys.
As I have written to him in the past, with regard to the North-West Durham parliamentary seat:
"Yes, as you have been told, I reject hysteria over climate change, and see that hysteria as really an excuse to destroy (or prevent the restoration of) high-wage, high-skilled and high-status jobs for the working class; an excuse to retard or reverse economic development in the poorer parts of the world; and an excuse to restrict travel to the rich.
So I dare you to put up against me a candidate in favour of such job destruction or prevention, in favour of such development retardation or reversal, and in favour of such travel restriction. Go on. I dare you.
Yes, as you have been told, I am a supporter both of coal and of nuclear power, not least because they deliver the sorts of jobs that provide the economic basis of paternal authority in the family and in the wider community, and also because they offer independence both from Arab (and other) oil and from Russian (and other) gas.
So I dare you to put up against me a candidate who is opposed to paternal authority and to its necessary economic base, and who is in favour of dependence on Arab (and other) oil and on Russian (and other) gas, the only alternatives to coal and to nuclear power. Go on. I dare you.
Yes, as you have been told, I am in favour of the legal presumption of equal parenting, the restoration of the tax allowance for fathers, the restoration of the requirement that fertility treatment providers take account of the child’s need for a father, and paternity leave to be available at any point up to the child’s eighteenth birthday or leaving school.
So I dare you to put up against me a candidate opposed to the legal presumption of equal parenting, to the restoration of the tax allowance for fathers, to the restoration of the requirement that fertility treatment providers take account of the child’s need for a father, and to the requirement of male responsibility at key points in childhood and adolescence. Go on. I dare you.
Yes, as you have been told, I am in favour of raising the age of consent to 18, criminalising (with exactly equal sentencing) both the purchase and the sale of sexual services, allowing unmarried relatives to contract civil partnerships (which already do not need to be consummated), and allowing couples and religious organisations to exempt themselves from the divorce laws enacted since 1969. And yes, I am totally opposed to the issuing of new birth certificates to transsexuals.
So I dare you to put up against me a candidate who is in favour of lowering the age of consent to 14 or even younger, taxing prostitution so that we can all be pimps, continuing to discriminate against unmarried relatives, denying this form of religious freedom, and the State lying that would be the issuing of new birth certificates to transsexuals. Go on. I dare you."
To which I am pleased to add that I am, to say the very least, in favour of the Biblical-Classical synthesis in Christ and His Church, which simply is the West (and is also increasingly defining entire civilisations in the developing world), and of which Russia and her Slavic brethren are the historic gatekeepers, both against Islam and against domination by the Far East. So I dare Peter Tatchell to put up against me, most preferably in his own person, a candidate who is literally an enemy at those gates.
Go on, Peter Tatchell. I dare you.
I'm sure we will be seeing him on the BBC declaiming about how totalitarian the Russians are to deny him the right to demonstrate in their streets. I'm sure we will see him often on the BBC.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, whatever the Russian people's opinions of homosexuality, & I suspect they are even further from the Fuardianistas than Putins, it is not the BBC or hatchill's job to nanny them. Secondly BBC reporting from Russia is always outrafeously slanted - during the election they reported as if it was between Putin & Kasparov when in fact the latter's party was a few hundred people funded by western intelligence. Thirdly Thatchell is himself a fascist who is given free reign to engage in silly vandalism that would get him several years if he was a BNP supporter - I remember him on BBC Scotland when there was a stooshie about getting rid of a law to discourage gay prosletysing & his only argument against the overwhelming opinion of the people was that it was "unacceptable". I would not have onjected to a sensible argument about why they were wrong but he didn't even attempted that merely that fact he didn't like it meant it shouldn't happen.
I'm rather sorry the Russians didn't find releasing him unacceptable.
did he reply?
ReplyDeleteNeil, I don't know what possessed them to give him a visa in the first place.
ReplyDeleteMin, there's only way of replying. Over to him.