That hateful creature, James “The Weasel” Purnell, has been told by the CBI that his latest gimmick to make it look as if he cares about the poor will never work, and by the TUC that he should be concentrating on preventing job losses in the first place.
After public school and Oxford, Purnell baby-sat the Blairs’ children. Based on that and that alone, he then segued effortlessly into Parliament and the Cabinet in rapid succession, and he has publicly accepted the public offer of his current job if Cameron wins.
He will of course retain the Labour Whip, which no longer matters in the least, since there are now barely any divisions of the Commons, and the Tories vote with New Labour in most of those that there are. Yet the Tories are funded by the taxpayer to provide an Opposition. Where is the outrage about that parliamentary misappropriation of public money?
So it is not as if Purnell is going to pay the slightest attention to the CBI or the TUC, of neither of which he has ever heard. He has already seen just how far you can get by kicking people out of their wheelchairs and stamping on their heads. And he is therefore going to carry on doing that, and things like that, for a very, very long time to come.
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