Philip Weiss dares to believe that, when it comes to American foreign policy, the views and needs of his fellow-Americans who are not Jewish should matter more than those of his fellow-Jews who are not American. Furthermore, he feels no affinity with those whose reading of the New Testament leads them to support Israel as part of a five-act play in which the Jews disappear at the end of Act Four. He writes:
Charles Freeman Jr.’s withdrawal of his acceptance of a high-level intelligence position in the Obama administration was a national-security drama more riveting than an episode of “24.” The moral was clear: even a president who owes his job to a progressive movement in American politics could not support a longtime public servant who had made the mistake of criticizing Israel. Fierce advocates of the Jewish state, notably Sens. Chuck Schumer and Joe Lieberman and Reps. Eric Cantor and Steve Israel, played important roles in Freeman’s exit, while present and former officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee flitted in and out of the wings.
The message to all office-seekers is obvious. “They want to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. They want other people to be intimidated,” Freeman told The American Conservative just before he withdrew his name to be chairman of the National Intelligence Council. He went on, “If the administration does not stick with me, then it’s destroying the argument that the Israel lobby is only a mythic entity and does not control the public space. … It will show the world that it is not able to exercise independent thinking on these issues.”
If there was encouraging news in the administration’s collapse, there it was. When Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair announced Freeman’s withdrawal late on the afternoon of March 10, the matter was on center stage, in plain sight of what Freeman calls “the American political class.”
Three hours later, Freeman issued a statement directly accusing the Israel lobby of “doing widening damage to the national security of the United States.” He wrote that its tactics “plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth.” He continued:
I believe that the inability of the American public to discuss, or the government to consider, any option for U.S. policies in the Middle East opposed by the ruling faction in Israeli politics has allowed that faction to adopt and sustain policies that ultimately threaten the existence of the state of Israel. It is not permitted for anyone in the United States to say so.
Freeman’s ability to say so to a wide audience was electrifying and unique. His charge was soon mentioned in the chief boroughs of liberal opinion, National Public Radio, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. Time’s Joe Klein called his exit “an assassination,” and The Atlantic’s Andrew Sullivan said it was a “scalping.” Unlike countless other incidents in which American policy on the Middle East has been compromised behind closed doors, this time the Israel lobby was seen fleeing the scene of the crime.
The drama began on Feb. 19, when the Foreign Policy blog reported that Blair, a retired Navy admiral, was planning to name Freeman to chair the National Intelligence Council, which sorts out the reports of the many intelligence agencies and presents them to the White House. In 2007, one of its assessments, concluding that Iran had halted its nuclear-weapons program following the invasion of Iraq, chilled the neoconservative drive to attack Iran. “No one has ever made the case that it’s a primary policy-making role,” says William Quandt, the longtime expert on the Middle East.
Freeman is hardly a cipher. An outspoken and formidable thinker firmly in the realist camp, he spent four decades in the State Department marked by his poise in the presence of heads of state. In 1972, at age 29, having mastered Mandarin, he was saving Richard Nixon, whom he regarded as “totally lacking in personal grace, with no sense of the proper distance to keep in human relations,” from embarrassment with Zhou En-Lai on the famous trip to China. Twenty years later, as an Arabic speaker, he was interpreting George H.W. Bush—a fellow Yaleman and blueblood who fixed his name forever as “Chas”—to King Fahd as ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. Freeman is a throwback. He celebrates his Puritan roots and the idea of wide historical reading for its own sake. He is also completely dedicated. He lost his third son in India because of poor medical treatment. He lost a 30-year marriage in Saudi Arabia during the long hours of the Gulf War.
“Frankly I was hoping to see him become a secretary of state,” says Edward Kane, a former CIA official who heads the Cosmos Club’s program on foreign affairs.
Freeman’s position on the Middle East made such ambitions pointless. In fact, he had resisted being sent to the region in the 1980s because of the “totalitarian” character of debate over American policies there—the lobby’s “virtual hammerlock on American foreign policy,” as he told an interviewer in the mid-’90s. He went on bluntly:
The American Jewish community, which had always been extremely suspicious of people who trafficked with the Arabs … became increasingly hostile to Arabists in the State Department. It essentially became difficult, if not impossible, for Foreign Service officers dealing with the Arab world, or with the Middle East generally, to take anything other than a stance that was assertively loyal to causes espoused by the Israelis… By the ’80s, as AIPAC … achieved the transcendent influence in the Congress that it did, there was an atmosphere of intimidation, worthy of the McCarthy era, in many respects, imposed on Arabists.
Following his retirement from government in 1995, Freeman took over from George McGovern as head of the Middle East Policy Council, a think tank that gets Saudi support and seeks to educate Americans about the Arab and Muslim world.
I asked him whether he is an Arabist. “What is an Arabist?” he countered. “Maybe it’s just someone who speaks Arabic. Someone who understands the Arabs. Obviously, that’s a bad thing. We shouldn’t understand the Arabs. We might actually think they have justice on their side. We might want to negotiate with them rather than clobber them.”
Freeman openly admires Israel: “The good has outweighed the bad in Israel for a long time. I would like to see Israel survive and prosper. Right now it is doing itself in and taking us with it.” Years ago, he became aware of how fierce adherence to Israel in our political class was damaging both nations. “I came to all this really very late,” he says. “I was an admirer of what I thought was a humane society in Israel. What really got me was when I was in Abu Dhabi many years ago and turned on the local TV. There was a home video of two Israeli plainclothesmen pulling a Palestinian teenager out of his house and kicking him in the head, and when he was semiconscious, they shot him in the back of the head. And the same story was on the back page of the English language newspaper, with six panels from the video. I thought, when this hits the U.S. press, all hell will break loose. Well, it didn’t ever hit our press. The self-censorship extended to a point that it was really dangerous to our society.”
Freeman made no secret of these views at the Middle East Policy Council. After the cancellation of the Dubai ports contract in 2006, he denounced the political class for exploiting the popular prejudice of “Arabophobia.” Soon after, when the London Review of Books published Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s bombshell essay on the Israel lobby, Freeman unapologetically celebrated the scholars.
“He does not hide his light under a bushel, and we’ve been waiting a long time for these ideas,” Edward Kane says. Adds Jim Lobe, a foreign-policy correspondent for Interpress, “I can tell you from personal experience that he is absolutely brilliant and incredibly well-rounded in his knowledge.”
In 2005, Freeman’s friend Boyden Gray saw his appointment to be ambassador to the EU held up for months because of his association with realist thinking on the Middle East, and he had to visit with AIPAC before he could take the job. Freeman’s case was far more serious. His appointment had only been leaked when it drew the wrath of the Israel lobby. Steve Rosen, a former AIPAC staffer who is under indictment for allegedly passing secrets to the Israelis, immediately attacked Freeman on the website of the Middle East Forum, a neoconservative think tank. “Freeman is a strident critic of Israel and a textbook case of the old-line Arabism that afflicted American diplomacy at the time the state of Israel was born,” Rosen said. He quoted this horrifying statement by Freeman: “Israeli occupation and settlement of Arab lands is inherently violent. ... And as long as such Israeli violence against Palestinians continues, it is utterly unrealistic to expect that Palestinians will stand down from violent resistance and retaliation against Israelis.”
At least Rosen was straightforward about his concern with Israel. The same cannot be said of the pack that followed him. They focused on the money that the Middle East Policy Council receives from Saudi Arabia and several cold-blooded statements that Freeman had made justifying Chinese repression in Tiananmen Square and Tibet (which his supporters attempted to dignify, not always persuasively, as “realist”). The group included Gabriel Schoenfeld at the Wall Street Journal, Jonathan Chait and Martin Peretz at The New Republic, Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic, and Michael Goldfarb at the Weekly Standard. All Jewish, all supporters of the Iraq War, which Freeman vigorously opposed.
The focus on the China and Saudi connections is typical of the Israel lobby’s work. While it quietly spreads the word about its ability to take scalps, it does not like to do so publicly. That might force Americans to debate the slaughter in Gaza or the ongoing oppression of Palestinians in the West Bank. Far better for Freeman’s critics in Congress—notably Joe Lieberman in the Senate and Eric Cantor, Shelly Berkley, and Mark Kirk in the House—to talk about Saudi Arabian money, which was never an impediment to Hillary Clinton’s appointment to be secretary of state, though her husband’s library was showered in it.
The good news in the Freeman case is that he was even named in the first place and that he got a public defense. Writers Joe Klein, Richard Silverstein, M.J. Rosenberg, and Glenn Greenwald, all Jews, said that the issue was whether there was any room in the discourse for critics of Israel. Klein called the attackers a “mob.” Robert Dreyfuss at the Nation denounced the “thunderous, coordinated assault.” Steve Walt characterized the campaign as a McCarthyite witchhunt with an important negative function: making ambitious public servants afraid to say anything about Israel. “Freeman might be too smart, too senior, and too well-qualified to stop,” he wrote before the appointment was scuttled, “but there are plenty of younger people eager to rise in the foreign policy establishment and they need to be reminded that their careers could be jeopardized if they followed in Freeman’s footsteps and said what they thought.”
There could be little doubt what was at stake. Jim Lobe said on Scott Horton’s radio show that the fight was the “first big test of the influence of the so-called Israel lobby in the Administration.” Freeman wrote to friends, “I suspect that my appointment won’t be final till the fat lady at AIPAC sighs.”
The fight dragged on for nearly three weeks. Freeman’s critics circulated e-mailed comments he had made about China on a foreign-policy listserv, and eight congressmen, including House Minority Leader John Boehner, called on Blair to investigate Freeman’s links to Saudi Arabia. Blair wrote back that Freeman had his “full support” and said that he “has never received any income directly from Saudi Arabia or any Saudi-controlled entity.” He defended him against angry questioning by Joe Lieberman on the morning of March 10. But by then, several Republican senators were demanding answers from the White House. Dianne Feinstein reportedly called for a meeting of senators with Freeman. He was gaining endorsements from influential journalists like Andrew Sullivan and James Fallows, but no congressman was lifting his head above the melee to support Freeman.
As for Obama, he said not a word, just as he said nothing about Gaza. Finally, by the afternoon of March 10, Blair had changed his mind. “I came to a conclusion, as did Denny Blair at the same time,” Freeman told TAC, “that I couldn’t accomplish what I wanted to do.” Yes, he could come up with quality intelligence products, but his presence would hurt their credibility. “I left for the same reason that I accepted the job, for the best interests of my country.”
Chuck Schumer quickly made clear that this was a White House decision, and it was all about Israel. “Charles Freeman was the wrong guy for this position,” Schumer said. “His statements against Israel were way over the top and severely out of step with the administration. I repeatedly urged the White House to reject him, and I am glad they did the right thing.”
Then Freeman issued his barnburner of a statement saying it was all about “a Lobby intent on enforcing the will and interests of a foreign government.” “There is a special irony in having been accused of improper regard for the opinions of foreign governments and societies by a group so clearly intent on enforcing adherence to the policies of a foreign government—in this case, the government of Israel,” he wrote. “This is not just a tragedy for Israelis and their neighbors in the Middle East; it is doing widening damage to the national security of the United States.”
National Public Radio’s Robert Siegel described Freeman’s charge as “angry” and suggested that he was merely the Marty Peretz of the Arabs. The Washington Post called it a “crackpot” conspiracy theory and tirade. Meanwhile, Freeman’s supporters rallied to his side. Steve Walt called Obama a “wimp.” “Caving on Freeman was a blunder that could come back to haunt any subsequent effort to address the deteriorating situation in the region,” he wrote. Andrew Sullivan said that the affair showed that when push comes to shove, Obama is behind AIPAC “110 percent.” Joe Klein noted that Schumer and company have made Washington “even less hospitable for those who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, for those who are reflexively contentious, who would defy the conventional wisdom.”
This is where I differ from Chas Freeman’s new friends. Years ago, he understood that the Israel lobby produced secret resentment among its victims throughout Washington. More recently, John Mearsheimer told me that Israel’s critics are engaged in a kind of “mortal combat” in which career and reputation are at stake. Having long battled the Israel lobby, these men have no illusions about how it operates and still dare to speak out. Others—for instance those who say that it just controls Congress, not the White House—are now awaking to its methods. This is the great lesson, and even joy, of Chas Freeman’s mugging. A lobby operates best as a “night flower,” Steve Rosen once said. The Freeman takedown happened in broad daylight. Sunshine means everything in a democracy. Now the diverse political forces who want to change our Mideast policy can find one another.
Speaking to this magazine two days after his withdrawal, a reflective Freeman framed the episode as a chance to educate Americans. He only regretted imprecision—that he had blasted the lobby rather than doing more to emphasize the reflexive organizational American support for the policies of the right-wing Israeli government.
Of the Gaza assault, he said, “I don’t think they wanted to do anything but beat the living daylights out of the Palestinian people. Schrecklichkeit [a World War I German policy of intimidation] is the basis of this policy, and it makes it harder and harder for more and more people here to overlook.”
Freeman was gratified by the wide support he had gotten from Jewish writers. “I think the most courageous people on this issue are those of Jewish origin or faith. They have the most at stake in this. These things are being done in their name.” He said he hoped that his withdrawal would allow Americans to talk about what Israel is doing in a historical and diplomatic light:
I am interested in seeing the survival of a humane and not a thuggish Jewish state in the Middle East. I am interested in finding ways of coming to grips with the fact that the perpetrators of the Holocaust and those who halted it accept Israel’s right to exist, but in the region in which it does exist, no one accepts its right to exist. That’s the problem we must overcome.
As for himself, at 66, having severed his institutional connections, Freeman has a chance to “redefine myself.” He doesn’t expect to have any role in government, directly or indirectly, “but one thing I’m not going to do is shut up.”
Indeed not.
Middle America rightly views the wider world in strictly realistic terms, "not seeking for monsters to destroy". She is the land of those Republicans who called for Europe to revert to pre-1914 borders and thus end the First World War, an outcome which would have precluded both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Of Eisenhower, with his even-handed approach to Israel and the Palestinians, and with his denunciation of the military-industrial complex.
Of Nixon, who ended the Vietnam War as President Obama will end the Iraq War, and who began détente with China as President Obama is beginning détente with Iran (and beyond). And of Republican opposition to Clinton’s unpatriotic job-exportation, unpatriotic sweatshop-importation, and unpatriotic global trigger-happiness, all continued and expanded by the unpatriotic Bush Administration.
Finally given the opportunity to vote for a candidate who had secured nomination and was now seeking election by running against the likes of AIPAC, conservative America - the people who reaffirmed traditional marriage in California and Florida, who abolished legal discrimination against working-class white men in Colorado, who declined to liberalise gambling in Missouri or Ohio, and who keep the black and Catholic churches (especially) going from coast to coast - leaped at the chance.
Of course, Middle America is also the land of that rural and Western half of the Republican Party which supported the New Deal, of those Congressional Republicans whose votes passed Civil Rights in the face of Dixiecrat resistance, of big municipal government, of strong unions whose every red cent in political donations buys something specific, of very high levels of co-operative membership, of housing co-operatives even for the upper middle classes, of small farmers who own their own land, of the pioneering of Keynesianism in practice, of popular fury at the bailout, and of the cry for universal healthcare.
That Ambassador Freeman was an apologist for Saudi Arabia who, on occasion, thought it useful to bash Israel did not much bother me, at least taken alone.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, it is the theory that he espouses, which leaves me cold - and, evidently, left Speaker Pelosi cold to the extent of using her influence kill the nomination - with China evidently being a rather central concern.
Read this email by Freeman and see if it leaves you cold:
From: []
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 9:29 PM
I will leave it to others to address the main thrust of your reflection on Eric’s remarks. But I want to take issue with what I assume, perhaps incorrectly, to be your citation of the conventional wisdom about the 6/4 [or Tiananmen] incident. I find the dominant view in China about this very plausible, i.e. that the truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud, rather than — as would have been both wise and efficacious — to intervene with force when all other measures had failed to restore domestic tranquility to Beijing and other major urban centers in China. In this optic, the Politburo’s response to the mob scene at “Tian’anmen” stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership, not as an example of rash action.
For myself, I side on this — if not on numerous other issues — with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be. Such folk, whether they represent a veterans’ “Bonus Army” or a “student uprising” on behalf of “the goddess of democracy” should expect to be displaced with despatch from the ground they occupy. I cannot conceive of any American government behaving with the ill-conceived restraint that the Zhao Ziyang administration did in China, allowing students to occupy zones that are the equivalent of the Washington National Mall and Times Square, combined. while shutting down much of the Chinese government’s normal operations. I thus share the hope of the majority in China that no Chinese government will repeat the mistakes of Zhao Ziyang’s dilatory tactics of appeasement in dealing with domestic protesters in China.
I await the brickbats of those who insist on a politically correct — i.e. non Burkean conservative — view.
(Emphasis added).
So, in that one email I now understand well why he stands with the Saudis, with the Chinese government and against Israel.
Was Freeman the sort of champion you really want on your side?
I realize that on your side of the Atlantic, it is fun to listen to conspiracy theorist who claim Jews control things. However, this is a case where many groups lined up against Freeman and, as the email shows, with good reason.
If the literal hired help of Saudi Arabia can be Secretary of State (or President throughout the preceeding 20 years), then why not?
ReplyDeleteHostility to China, like hostility to Russia, is mostly ageing campus Trotskyism from the 1968 generation. That overlaps very considerably with hysterical support for the Likudnik interest.
And you can't be both pro-Saudi and anti-AIPAC. The two are so hand in glove that they even run joint Presidential candidates, always (to date) from the same two families.
ReplyDeleteRead his email more carefully. You miss its message.
His key sentence: For myself, I side on this — if not on numerous other issues — with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be. Such folk, whether they represent a veterans’ “Bonus Army” or a “student uprising” on behalf of “the goddess of democracy” should expect to be displaced with despatch from the ground they occupy."
In other words, his ideology relates to supporting power interests over human rights. That, in supporting him, is what you are really supporting.
And that reasoning is why he supports the reactionary Saudis rather than Israel and why he supports Chinese oppression. These positions line up perfectly - hand in glove.
I suggest you read about the Bonus Army. It is a particularly important event in American history - a history which Ambassador Freeman would surely know about rather well - that goes to the heart of what he believes. As explained by Professor Radosh:
Students of 20th Century U.S. History are well [4] acquainted with the importance of the Bonus Army episode. Freeman’s citation of this is, quite frankly, shocking. It refers to the encampment by World War I veterans and their families on the outskirts of the capital in May through July of 1932, where they gathered to support Rep. Wright Patman’s bill to advance the bonus payment promised to veterans which they had not received. MacArthur ordered troops to clear veterans out of the downtown DC area. Not stopping at that, he ordered his troops to advance to the Anacostia Flats across the 11th Street bridge, where the families and veterans were camping out. He acted against the advice of his aide, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and without orders from President Herbert Hoover. Their camps were torched, gas bombs were thrown, and the veterans were forced to flee. The official toll was 54 injured, 135 arrested, and three dead, including a baby.
From now on, I shall not assume that you have any humanitarian interest in helping Palestinian Arabs or anyone else. Rather, you line up with those who support reactionary politics.
That is your choice.
His basic point is undeniable: if anyone had done that in front of the Capitol or the White House with the same view to overthrowing the State, then they would have recived much the same treatment.
ReplyDeleteJust how liberal and democratic were the Tiananmen Square lot, anyway? I am not sure that that has ever really been looked into. Frankly, I suspect that an awful lot of them were really in the Koumintang tradition, or were Trotskyists, or were just Adolescents Against Everything.
In any case, no one imagines that Freeman has been treated as he has been because of China. He has been treated as he has been because of what his oppoents always actively regard as the Israeli interest, whether or not that interest happens to be in government in Israel, as, most unfortunately, it now is once again.
ReplyDeleteNewsweek, a major American news magazine, thinks that it was his comments regarding China which broke the camel's back. According to that magazine, comments regarding China were learned of by Speaker of the House Pelosi who then forced the hand of Obama, calling him personally. So, your comment is not correct. In fact, there is more than one theory.
In my view, had it only been Israel's friends who had acted against him, he would have made it, just as other people complained about by Israel's friends now serve for Obama, among them Dennis Blair, who would have been Freeman's boss.
In any event, you have switched your view. Before, you asserted that Obama was not beholden to Israel's friends. Now, you think he is. In my view, you think that Jews have magical powers.
In fact, though, many of Israel's friends supported Freeman, which is why you can identify nearly all of those who opposed him by name.
In the case of Rosen, noted in your article, he was not acting for AIPAC. We know this because he just filed a lawsuit against AIPAC. They are not on speaking terms, as it turns out.
In any event, Freeman was picked in the first place due to the Saudi lobby, which is by far the strongest foreign policy lobby in Washington. He was their man, apologist for that repressive regime. And, when an investigation in his background and finances was launched, he got cold feet and chose to advance the lobbying agenda of those he has been apologizing for over the course of years.
As Weiss himself puts it:
ReplyDelete"The focus on the China and Saudi connections is typical of the Israel lobby’s work. While it quietly spreads the word about its ability to take scalps, it does not like to do so publicly. That might force Americans to debate the slaughter in Gaza or the ongoing oppression of Palestinians in the West Bank. Far better for Freeman’s critics in Congress—notably Joe Lieberman in the Senate and Eric Cantor, Shelly Berkley, and Mark Kirk in the House—to talk about Saudi Arabian money, which was never an impediment to Hillary Clinton’s appointment to be secretary of state, though her husband’s library was showered in it."
It's the same with China - it's a distraction. And good relations with China, far more than good relations with the Bush-funding and Clinton-funding Saudi Arabia - are in any case at the heart of President Obama's foreign policy, one of the ways in which he is the first conservative in the White House for over a generation. Another is his even-handedness bewteen Israel and the Palestinians.
I ask again, who exactly were these sainted demonstrators twenty years ago? Merely being opposed to the Chinese regime does not in itself make one a warrior for liberal democracy. There are plenty of rather less savoury reasons to be so opposed, and several of them are either indigenous to China or at least long-established there.
ReplyDeleteThere is a factual issue, not a logic issue, involved. Some set of factual circumstances led Freeman to withdraw.
So far as any of us know - since none of us is an insider -, maybe something was uncovered in Freeman's security check and, rather than have it come out, he decided to change the subject. Weiss has no way of disproving that point. Neither do you. And neither do I.
You claim that China is a distraction and Weiss claims that Israel's friends will lobby by disguise, using other groups as fronts. Again, this is a question of fact. And, I know for a fact that numerous groups interested in human rights - even some groups who are known critics of Israel, such as Human Rights Watch - lobbied hard against Freeman.
Moreover, pointing to Israel's friends may itself be a distraction created by Freeman. Again, this is a fact, not a logic, question. The fact is that he did not get the job and, as of this moment, there are at least two explanations and possibly others.
I do note, for what it is worth, Nancy Pelosi has more influence by far with the President than any of those who wrote negative things in newspapers or lobbied against Freeman. In fact, Obama could not possibly cross Pelosi without paying a steep political price. So, the China theory is not implausible.
I reiterate that you keep forgetting that you have spent a great period of time asserting that Obama is not beholden to Israel's friends. Are you saying that your old theory was wrong?
Lastly, if this was the work of Israel's friends, is it not the case that a supporter of state oppression, on principle (as with the Bonus Army which you keep conveniently forgetting), was not such a great choice anyway?
"Such folk, whether they represent a veterans’ “Bonus Army” or a “student uprising” on behalf of “the goddess of democracy” should expect to be displaced with despatch from the ground they occupy."
ReplyDeleteThat is indeed exactly what they "should expect", in that that is exactly what will happen to them, purely objectively.
And you still haven't answered the question of who the Chinese demonstrators really were. Koumintang? Trotskyists? Stalinists but not Maoists? Restorationists of fuedalism and theocracy in Tibet? Islamists from the country's north-west? They could have been any of these. They may very well have been all of them.
That sections of Congress are beholden to the Likud lobby does not mean that President Obama is. And Pelosi can't be as powerful as all that, when you consider the Obama Administration's policy on China. I am not sure that she is really terribly influential at all.
ReplyDeleteThe Chinese students were, presumably, students. If that is not the case, whoever they really were is unimportant. Why? because they nonetheless have substantial sympathy in the US, as is well known - but evidently not by you - and, because there is a substantial lobby (at least as powerful as AIPAC) of ex-patriot Chinese Americans - rich, well connected and active in politics including in lobbying on behalf of Taiwan.
No one denies that Israel's friends have a powerful lobby. That does not mean that their opposition - in this case, the opposition of only part of that group - was decisive.
Again: this is a factual question. Who? What? When? Where? Asserting that Israel's friends were decisive requires an explanation of who spoke with whom in a way that matters. You have none of that.
By contrast, Pelosi spoke directly with the President. She is Speaker of the House of Representatives. That means she is among the top 2 or 3 most powerful people in Washington. In this regard, I suggest you learn a bit about how the US works.
Regarding your support of reactionary views about protest...
In the US, protesters have the right, guaranteed by the Constitution, to march in Washington and to demand redress from the government. There is no expectation that a military army will march in and start killing people who march in Washington. That you think it appropriate reveals your politics, making your "Pro-Worker" header untrue.
Such also well explains why you side with reactionary Arab forces over the far more progressive Israelis.
"The Chinese students were, presumably, students. If that is not the case, whoever they really were is unimportant."
ReplyDeleteWhether or not they were they were students is immaterial. What matters is whether or not they were Nationalists of the kind holed up on Taiwan since the end of the War, or Trotskyists, or Stalinists but not Maoists, or retorationists of fuedalism and theocracy in Tibet, or Islamists.
Their ranks as good as certainly contained at least some of these, and quite possibly all of them. Who else in China would have not merely the inclination, but the organisational ability, to take to the streets of Beijing against the regime, then or now?
Being an enemy of that regime did not and does not make one ipso facto a good thing, any more than being an opponent of the Soviet puppet government in Afghanistan (or of the Taliban, for that matter) ipso facto made one a good thing.
"Asserting that Israel's friends were decisive requires an explanation of who spoke with whom in a way that matters."
Who spoke on television and in Congress will do to make the point. As will an examination of who is doing the gloating.
"Pelosi spoke directly with the President. She is Speaker of the House of Representatives. That means she is among the top 2 or 3 most powerful people in Washington."
Only if both the President and her own caucus deign to treat her as such. She doesn't have the influence of the sort of Senators, in particular, listed in this article. Come on! Individual Speakers have had in the past, but that was about them personally. She is simply not in that league.
"That you think it appropriate reveals your politics"
I didn't that it was appropriate. I said, as Freeman did, that it was what happens. As you yourself admit, it is what has happened in America in the past, Constitution or no Constitution. And it is what would happen in America again, Constitution or no Constitution, if a similar situation arose. You know it would.
Your last paragraph is so far beyond ridiculous that it is not only unworthy, but incapable, of a response. But is that also your view of the foreign policy preferences of the President who nominated Freeman, and who prefers Iran and Syria to Israel?
ReplyDeleteThe US government, now as before, responds to numerous forces. No one force has control. That was true even under Bush. So, the US government is not the simple-minded organization you surmise.
No US administration can be particularly hostile to Israel because there is no large constituency in the US which has any sympathy for Arabs and even fewer who have any sympathy for Palestinian Arabs. On the other hand, there are tens of millions of Americans who think that supporting Israel is very important - in fact, a priority. They include people in both major parties. That is a fact and it certainly impacts on US policy - although such are not the only factors.
In all likelihood, the President Obama, whose closest friends - including those who enabled him to run for higher office - were all ardent Zionists, is innately quite pro-Israel and only has differences with Israel's friends, if really any, around the edges. Among those edges is appeasing European opinion and governments and Gulf Arab states.
Nonetheless, not everyone in the US government is pro-Israel. That has always been the case. That was the case in the first and second President Bush's cabinet. It was the case in President Clinton's cabinet. It was the case in all the other cabinets.It was, before Israel's creation, the case in President Truman's cabinet. It was the case in President Roosevelt's cabinet. It was the case in President Wilson's cabinet, etc., etc..
So, it does not surprise me or anyone else that someone opposed to Israel would be appointed to high office. And, Israel's friends have lobbied hard against all such people but have not had much success over the years. You hear about what you perceive to be successes because they stand out in your mind, not because such is consistent with reality.
The most obvious case where Israel's lobby had little impact was over Iran. Contrary to what many think, Israel's position on Iraq was that it was not Israel's priority. Iran was. That is something that even John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt admitted to in interviews. Their theory has no answer as to why the US invaded Iraq, if that was not Israel's primary concern.
In any event, consider: Dennis Blair, who had wanted to hire Freeman, holds essentially the same views as Freeman regarding Israel. And, he is a more important appointment than Freeman. So, the theory you are espousing is, I think, simpled minded, based on the view that Jews have magical powers beyond those of mere mortals.
Now, in answer to your question about Obama, I have mixed feelings about him. I think it a good idea to offer any country, Iran included, good relations with the US. I think talking to countries is a good idea in general and, since Iran and the US have bad relations, I think talking to Iran (and Syria) is a good thing in particular.
On the other hand, my sense is that the Obama administration has no plan B. And, in all likelihood, Iran has no serious interest in resolving matters with the US. So, if the talks - assuming they occur - go nowhere, the US will face a terrible dilemma. At that point, relations will not only be bad but they will likely be even more poisonous than at present. And, there will be no options available to an administration, like the Obama administration, which has said that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable ... period.
Moreover, his policy on Israel and the Palestinian Arabs - which is roughly a return to the Clinton policy - led to thousands of dead people. It will do the same going forward because it is a complete misconception of the situation. There is no peace in the making even for people of good faith. There is, instead, two forces at loggerheads with mutually incompatible settlement positions, as determined by their most generous imaginable proposals. Presumably, the Obama administration knows this full well.
That means, effectively, that peace negotiations serve a purpose other than to make peace. And, the likely goal is to appease those with no direct connection with the dispute, meaning Europeans and the Gulf Arab states. I see no benefit to appeasing Europeans because European policy is vile - and is the main cause for Arab Muslims believing that blowing people up is an efficacious policy. And, the likely looser, all around, will be Europeans who have scapegoated the Israelis rather than examine European problems.
You, it seems, think that the Arab side has something the Israelis lack. I think that what you support is tyranny and the like - which is what exists in essentially all Arab states. Your support of those who killed and maimed those in the Bonus Army is entirely consistent with a reactionary mindset, which is perhaps why you support Arabs over Israelis.
And, for the record, Freeman did not say merely that repression is what happens to protesters who march in national capitols, he said "For myself, I side on this — if not on numerous other issues — with Gen. Douglas MacArthur." In other words, repression is what he thinks is the proper way to deal with dissent.