Stumbled across this on BBC Parliament while channel-hopping late last night. Half an hour on Icelandic popular anger, the attempt to turn the Isle of Harris into a National Park, and community and co-operative energy policy on the Danish island of Samsø.
All in Gaelic (or Icelandic or Danish dubbed into Gaelic) with English subtitles. Next week, changing German dairy farming, and homelessness in the Highlands. Well worth a look.
But is it really necessary to translate for byline purposes both Anglicised and English names into some Gaelic root that the person in question, even if obviously a Gaelic-speaker, does not use?
Hi David.
ReplyDeleteThis is another David Lindsay, residing in Cleveland, Ohio, USA...
I just typed in our common name in the search line in Google...
Sorry to intrude!...Just fun finding other folks out there with my name!...And finding out that they have heart-felt opinions! More power to ya!!
-David Lindsay