Monday, 8 December 2008

Stupid, Indeed

Eleven thousand steelworkers marched through Brussels last Tuesday in order to save their jobs from those who wish to destroy them while arresting or even reversing the development of the poorest parts of the world, and while re-restricting travel to the rich, i.e., themselves.

Today, those rich have been at it at Stansted Airport. Just try and imagine if the miners, or the Countryside Alliance, or the opponents of the Iraq War, had pulled a stunt like that.

But these are not the industrial labour movement, such the miners. These are not the old upper class or their rural workers, such as the Countryside Alliance. And these are not those two forces in unison (or, at least, on the same side), such as the opponents of the Iraq War.

No, these are the new ruling class.

Get used to them, if you haven't already.

Today, Mr Ed The Talking Horse, fast rivalling even his brother as an advertisement for the restoration of the grammar schools, called, from the heart of government, for a "mass" movement to stop the masses from moving. David Cameron is signed up, and the Lib Dems pioneered this sort of thing decades ago.

Furthermore, that "mass" movement against mass movement's propaganda is to replace both History and Geography in primary schools.

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