Hillary Clinton would have done a lot less damage if Obama had appointed her to the Supreme Court, where she could not have made abortion any worse, since abortion could not possibly be any worse.
Instead, she has been made Secretary of State while paid to nuke Iran if so instructed by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or the United Arab Emirates. The Israel lobby in America is real enough, of course. But (of which, another time) it is an amateur operation compared to the Israel lobby in Britain. And it is as nothing compared to the Saudi-Kuwaiti-Emirati lobby.
No Israeli Government, as such, has ever had, or would ever dare to try and have, a senior Administration figure openly in its pay. Whereas the Gulf despots have been in that position for at least twenty years, and there is no sign of that state of affairs changing one iota over the next four. The very reverse, in fact.
The word on the street is that Clinton’s Senate seat will go to her husband, while Biden’s is to go to his son, and Obama’s to Jesse Jackson, Junior. Change We Can Believe In, eh?
Clinton’s seat needs to be filled by a Democrat who enjoys the endorsement of the Working Families Party on the protection of workers and consumers, on fair trade and fair tax, on universal health care, on Social Security, on environmental responsibility, on Civil Rights, and on foreign policy realism, whatever disagreements that party might have with him or her on other issues.
And that seat needs to be filled by a Democrat who enjoys the endorsement of the Conservative Party on family values, on strictly limited and strictly legal immigration, on constitutional checks and balances, on national security, on energy independence, on Second Amendment rights and responsibilities, on America as an English-speaking country, and (one trusts, now that the Bush Era is coming to an end) on foreign policy realism, whatever disagreements that party might have with him or her on other issues.
On that first basis, such a Democrat would also deserve the support of the Green Party. On that second basis, such a Democrat would also deserve the support of the Pro-Life Party. And on that double basis, support for such a Democrat could and should unite the warring factions within the Independence Party.
Regarding Obama’s seat in simply two-party Illinois, where is, for example, a totally orthodox Catholic Democrat who also has very deep roots in the Civil Rights movement effectively headquartered in Illinois, with that movement’s very strong economic populism and its very strong opposition to the neoconservative war agenda?
Lest it be imagined that this is an unwarranted British interference, either of those Democrats should not only declare to the Governor via the whole media of the United States in general and of the relevant state in particular, but should also contact, as a matter of the utmost urgency, the impeccably American Right Democrat - rightdemocrat@aol.com.
Do you know who those Democrats are? Do you know they read your blog? Do they know who Right Democrat is? What makes you think they want to email him / her? Will anyone in the US media or the relevant governors take note of what a tiny UK blog and a US blog say in any case?
ReplyDeleteRight Democrat and I co-operate very closely. And RD knows everyone...
ReplyDeleteIf these candidates presented themselves, then they really could go a very long way. All sorts of thoroughly unbloggable groundwork has been, and is being, done.
"All sorts of thoroughly unbloggable groundwork has been, and is being, done."
ReplyDeleteI can vouch for that. You are nothing if not fearless, David. And they have responded well.
Maybe we need our own New York party for "economically populist, morally and socially conservative foreign policy realists"?
Well, they haven't actually agreed on anyone yet. But they have certianly proved themselves very open. Now they just need to close the deal with each other. "Just" being the operative word. But anyway, unbloggable, and all that.
ReplyDeleteA ballot line party in New York State might well be a very good idea. As you undoubtedly know, no Republican has attained statewide office there since 1974 without the endorsement of the Conservative Party. Could any Democrat attain statewide office there without the endorsement of the party that you describe, once it were up and running? So, over to you, then.
I know just the sort of man you describe in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteDo you actually know him? I have never met him face to face. If so, then get onto him, to do his duty.
ReplyDeleteDo you not think you should maybe ensure you have a solid base in the UK before attempting to conquer America?
ReplyDeleteAfter all, whilst "you are not releasing candidate lists until it is complete", the suspicion will still remain that there are, er, two of you in the BPA - yourself and thr guy who co signed your electoral commission forms as Treasurer.
You are quite wrong about the BPA, but that's not this thread.
ReplyDeleteI am not trying to conquer America. People I know are trying to conquer America. And they live in America. On account of their being Americans.
Good luck to them, say I.