Right Democrat is on fire at the moment:
In a continuing sign of the success of David Boswell's mainstream Democratic campaign for U.S. House, two recently released analyses of Congressional races moved KY-02 into the "Toss-Up" category.
Yesterday, the Cook Political Report moved the race from "Lean Republican" to a "Toss-Up," and this morning the Rothenberg Report moved the race from "Toss-Up/Tilt Republican" to "Pure Toss-Up." In just one month, Rothenberg has moved KY-02 from "Lean Republican" to where the race stands now.
"The national political analysts are just catching up with the voters of the Second District," said Mark Riddle, Boswell's senior strategist and media advisor. "It's no wonder that the excitement continues to build on our side – while our opponent supports trade deals that send our jobs overseas, David Boswell will fight to make government work for middle class families here in Kentucky. Across the district, voters are responding to that message."
David Boswell on the Issues:
Jobs and the Economy
I have no greater priority than bringing good paying jobs to the men and women of Kentucky’s 2nd district. I strongly oppose any effort like NAFTA that sends work to Mexico and China instead of keeping it right here in Kentucky. I believe that we should investigate the deregulation that led to our current fiscal crisis so we can avoid these serious lapses of judgment in the future. Any economic recovery plan needs to be just as focused on home owners as it is on corporate bankers. In these turbulent times, we must focus on the needs of Main Street instead of the needs of Wall Street.
Health Care
I believe that the number of Americans without health insurance represents a very serious problem in this country. We need to create a private/public partnership that will help the 46 million Americans without health care to find coverage, with special attention given to insuring our children. This nation needs a smart health care policy that looks out for the health of citizens as well as the finances of the country, and I plan on working hard to achieve that.
I believe that we have accomplished all that we reasonably can be asked to do in Iraq, and it is time to withdraw American forces. The war has proven unacceptably costly in both military casualties and economic expenditures. All domestic federal spending, be it law enforcement, infrastructure, education, health care or border security, will suffer so long as this war continues. I believe we need to rely on diplomacy to make a safe and swift withdrawal, and that we should refocus on the heart of the war on terror – Afghanistan.
The brave men and women of our armed forces are true heroes, and it is high time that they be treated as such. We need to do more to support them both in the field and when they return home to their families. I am committed to improving veterans’ health care, education, and other services, and I hope to represent the needs of our armed forces as a member of the Veterans Affairs Committee.
Energy Policy
America's energy production cannot continue to be based almost exclusively on petroleum, nor remain vested solely in the hands of multinational corporations and hostile nations. While I believe in a limited expansion of drilling here at home and in the exploration of our oil shale fields, we are a resourceful, creative nation and should think more broadly. I support a comprehensive bio-fuels program which, in tandem with offshore drilling, renewable sources, clean coal technologies, and an exploration of safe, clean nuclear power, will help alleviate the nation's energy crisis and also make Kentucky a player in the field of energy production.
Small farms form the backbone of Kentucky’s economy, and as a Member of Congress I will always support initiatives to help them prosper. As Commissioner of Agriculture, I promoted many programs to help small farms, including agriculture diversification and investments in the infrastructure that small farms need to succeed, and I plan on pursuing family farm friendly policies in Washington.
Second Amendment Rights
I am an avid sportsman, and have a lifetime “A” rating from the National Rifle Association based on my legislative history. I am also a member of the Wild Turkey Federation and Ducks Unlimited. I believe firmly in our right to bear arms and will always vote accordingly.
Right to Life
Protecting life from conception until death is one of the most important roles of our government. I am opposed to abortion in all cases except when it is necessary to save the life of the mother.
Shame about Afghanistan, though. If there really were a "war on terror", then its "heart" would be in Saudi Arabia, launchpad for the 9/11 attacks, and paymaster of the Bushes and the Clintons.
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