The BBC, which you might have thought had other things to do today, saw fit to report that the Pope had failed to depart from what the Catholic Church has always taught on a certain moral question, on the fortieth anniversary of what the Beeb called "the first encyclical on the subject", although of course it was no such thing. How "Pope Says Same As Before" is news, I honestly cannot imagine.
What is news, however, and what is very occasionally even reported on the BBC, is the increasing popularity of Natural Family Planning, and the high regard in which it is now held in clinical practice wherever that has not been hijacked at public expense by the likes of Brook (procurers of young girls for older men) and Planned Parenthood (selective breeders out of specified ethnic groups). And the medical side effects of taking a chemical so powerful that it can actually stop a woman's reproductive cycle. And the growing opposition to condomania in eighty-seven per cent non-Catholic Africa.
Oh, and the dangerous depopulation of the West, the pretext for importing a new working class whose members understand nothing of the local language except commands, know nothing about workers' rights in the host country, can be deported if they step out of line, can (since they have no affinity with any particular part of the host country) be moved around at will, and are frequently committed to the Islamisation within and under which those who have deported them hope for that privileged dhimmitude which exited in Moorish Spain.
Meanwhile, it really is high time to take on the strange fantasy that Papal Teaching is somehow only binding if people agree with it. Quite apart from the fact that, in the overwhelming majority of the Catholic world, they do.
What is the BBC saying? Can't you find a link? Honestly, David, you fluctuate between reprinting entire articles and making unevidenced allusions to things your readers may have missed. Somewhere in between would be great.
ReplyDeleteIt was on the radio. Anyway, I think it's perfectly clear from the post.