In addition to this, would the Tory-voting hedge fund trader and Arbiter of the Left care to tell us how much money he has made out of the global financial crisis, and not least out of short selling, and what he intends to do with it?
Would he also care to answer that question in relation to the Iraq War?
I think Oliver Kamm has stopped reading you - he hasn't mentioned you for ages.
ReplyDeleteHe seems like the type who Googles himself every day.
ReplyDeleteIs that what they are calling it these days?
ReplyDeleteStop it!
ReplyDeleteWould you care to tell us how much you have made out of your job in the past few weeks and months?
ReplyDeleteI don't purport to be the Arbiter of the Left while profitting from the crash.
ReplyDeleteHow is that relevant?
ReplyDeleteAnd how do you know he has profited from the crash?
He is perfectly free to say that he hasn't. In other words, that he is a rubbish hedge fund trader. Is he?
ReplyDeleteI reckon Gordon Brown was short selling as well. Stands to reason he must be - after all, he doesn't deny it on David's blog.
ReplyDeleteI've no idea. But I don't think the onus is on him to say he hasn't profited. I think you calling him out constantly is a bit weird though, and a bit of a jealousy thing.
ReplyDeleteGordon Brown is not a hedge fund trader, nor, strictly speaking, does he purport to be the Arbiter of the Left.
ReplyDeleteNor am I a hedge fund trader, and I am certainly not "jealous" of anyone who is!
How Kamm's cultists cannot stick any criticism of him, now THAT is weird.
You're criticising others for being moral leaders? Isn't there a Bible verse about a mote in one eye and a beam in another?
ReplyDeleteI have never made the claims for myself that he is made for himself.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I hope that you are not going to come over all Oliver Kamm/Harry's Place lie machine. Not only because I won't put up such comments, but also because I cannot see how anyone can expect to be believed on any subject after they lied this country into war.
Or, indeed, when they have been profiteering from the global banking crisis. Or are they just bad at their jobs?
You mean the comment that you faked Martin Miller and your other boosters? But that's a fact and you're a liar.
ReplyDeleteThank you for proving my point.
ReplyDeleteFirst you lied this country into war, and now you are profiting from the mass misery inflicted by your actions in the City.
Yet you still expect people to believe anything that you might ever say, because you imagaine that the world is still at your beck and call.
Not any more, it isn't.
Did you fake Martin Miller?
ReplyDeleteNo, of course not. Nor does anyone believe that I did.
ReplyDeleteThis allegedly happened on Harry's Place. Was I banned for life there, as one would reasonably have expected? On the contrary, HP subsequently requsted, received and published an entire article by me, and I post comments there quite frequently, with no problems at all.
It allegedly happened on Comment Is Free. Was I banned for life there, as one would reasonably have expected? On the contrary, I still post comments there quite regularly, and recently received an email from someone on the staff there asking why I had gone quiet and saying that I was being missed.
And it allegedly happened on Coffee House. Was I banned for life there, as one would reasonably have expected? On the contrary, comments by me appear there (it is moderated) almost daily, and I have never had one rejected, even though some of them are really quite controversial.
When I emailed the the editor complaining about these people's activities, he emailed back immmediately with profuse apologies, and it was not my comments, but theirs, that were removed. No more have ever appeared.
No one believes a word these people say, not even Harry's Place. Which, since they lied this country into war and are now profiting from the global crash that they themselves engineered, is not exactly any sort of surprise.
But you and Martin Miller have the same IP address. You and Martin Miller post from the same computer but claim you've never met. How do you explain this?
ReplyDeleteIt's a lie, put about by notorious liars whose word is not believed by anybody. Not by Coffee House. Not by Comment Is Free. Not even by Harry's Place. By absolutely nobody at all.
ReplyDeleteWhat's a lie? That you and Martin Miller have the same IP address? Are you completely certain that you stand by that? It can be checked.
ReplyDeleteOnly against records kept either by the liars or by people who manifestly do not believe them.
ReplyDeleteGive it up. You've lost this one.
Would you please answer the question? Are the records showing that you and Martin Miller have the same IP address faked? Who has faked them? Or do they not exist? Both of these claims can be checked, surely.
ReplyDeleteNot by me, no.
ReplyDeleteOnly by those who claim to have them or by those who quite clearly haven't, but would have if the allegations were true.
This silly little business is clearly at an end. Insofar as it ever really started.
So you're saying that the records definitely don't show that you and the BPA supporter Martin Miller have the same IP address. Is that right?
ReplyDeleteI have answered this, and will not be addressing it again. Those involved need to get a life or, more to the point, a job, now that their lazy existence in the City is coming to an end.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, criticise Kamm and all hell breaks loose. It's a cult.
Anyway, I'm not putting up any more comments on this thread unless they are directly about Kamm, his profiting from the crash, or his profiting from the war.
No, you haven't answered it. Do the records show that you and Martin Miller have different IP addresses? You must know this as it's your computer and you'll know whether your supporter is using it too.
ReplyDeleteNo, it certainly wouldn't show up on any computer used by me.
ReplyDeleteNobody believes these allegations, you know. Nobody at all.
Now this really is the end. Anyone who cares tuppence about any of this badly needs to get out more.
You still haven't answered the question. Is it a lie that you and Martin Miller have the same IP address? This can obviously be checked, so be careful how you answer it.
ReplyDeleteIt can't be checked by me, no. Anything suggesting a link is a fake. As Coffee House, Comment Is Free and even Harry's Place all effectively state.
ReplyDeleteThis discussion is closed. If you people were not so rich and posh, then you'd be in psychiatric institutions. And you won't be rich, at least, for very much longer, will you? Ha, ha, ha.
That wasn't what I asked. The IP addresses can be checked, even if you're not going to check them yourself. The question I asked was: Is it a lie that your IP address is the same as Martin Miller's? That seems to be what you're saying but you keep evading the question.
ReplyDeleteYes of course it's a lie. Martin Miller is a character invented by these people, so far as I can tell, so that they can then post comments from the same computer but under my namem, thereby suggesting that I have been using the name "Martin Miller".
ReplyDeleteThey tried this on Coffee House. Nobody believed them. They tried it on Comment Is Free. Nobody believed them. And even when they tried it on Harry's Place, nobody believed them.
Who on God's green earth cares about any of this, anyway? Go away and get a life. You all have far more time on your hands these days, after all.
This thread is closed.