Ælfhere has the links to the perving over Tom Daley. Can you guess by whom?
From Queer As Folk through Shameless (which in the last series featured incest between teenage half-brothers as a gigantic joke) to Clapham Junction, sex between men and teenage boys is glorified. We treat as a national treasure Peter Tatchell, a militant campaigner for the age of consent to be lowered to 14, which, had it been in force, would have legalised well over ninety per cent of the offences committed by Catholic priests, the only men who now run the slightest realistic risk of being prosecuted for sex with teenage boys.
And Tatchell is but a faithful representative of the movement that originated in the early 1970s the idea, which has no prior history whatever and remains unknown in great swathes of the world, that persons, rather than simply acts, are homosexual, and that a predilection for such acts constitutes an identity comparable to class, ethnicity or even sex (which is written into every cell of the body).
That was and is a movement of, by, for and about those who sexually abuse teenage boys. It began several years after our own humane and necessary decriminalisation of male homosexual acts between consenting adults in private. Many of its pioneering figures abused teenage boys to their dying days, and the rest still do so to this very day. Every time that you see one of those rainbow flags, or anything like that, then remember that that is what it represents, aided and abetted by the likes of Richard "being interfered with at prep school never did me any harm" Dawkins, A C "sex is part of a happy childhood" Grayling, the old legal advisor to the old Paedophile Information Exchange who is now Deputy Leader of the governing party, and all the rest of them.
Yet that is now the by far the richest and most powerful lobby group in several countries, including this one, where it absolutely may not be gainsaid on any issue. I know. I am already preparing myself for the unprintable comments on this post.
Good post!
...our own humane and necessary decriminalisation...
Re: the rainbow flag, have a look at the comments on this post here. Globally it stands for a wide variety of vile causes, not just gay rights.
Yes, Richard Dawkins is clearly an immature personality. (His appearance on Doctor Who should really have been his "Big Brother-moment".) But his major malfunction, which is actually very sad, probably comes from his divorce and his separation from his little girl, who was subsequently brought up a Roman Catholic.
I presume when you mention the Paedophile Information Exchange you're referring to Harriet Harperson's time as Legal Officer for the organisation founded by E M Forster (Oops! There are those young boys again!) that has now mutated into Liberty - beloved of twin-set-and-pearls radicals up and down the land, not to mention Peters Oborne and Hitchens in The Daily Mail. Given that organisation's track-record on defending the rights of the underdog (no matter how deserving), it hardly seems out of character for them to have taken up arms on the side of the PIE. (Christian Voice's term is "bizarre". I'd prefer "typical".)
I'd oppose lowering the age of consent to 14, but it's worth noting that this is quite common in a great many European countries - it's just 13 in Spain.
ReplyDeleteHowever, in a lot of cases they're qualified by a stipulation that there's an age gap of three or four years if the person in question is under 18 - so this wouldn't let Catholic priests off the hook. Or indeed Peter Tatchell.
You've done a post about sweet little Tom Daley which focuses on paedophilia? How revealing.
ReplyDeleteWell, not about me, Anonymous. I am aghast at the nudge-nudge, wink-wink material that the media has allowed through about a boy who is, after all, only 14. And as for the stuff exposed by Aelfhere, well, I am truly shocked. At that doesn't happen very often.
ReplyDeleteAt most, I think that the 26-year-old Blake Aldridge is just annoyed that he is indistinguishable from the 14-year-old Tom Daley where it matters most. Or was that water just very, very cold? But that, of course, is about Aldridge, not Daley.
Miss Toffee Lees, I would raise the age of consent to 18, but have no prosecutions if both parties were no more than two, or at most three, years different in age. Sex is for adults, but adolescent experimentation is, up to a point, best dealt with by means other than the criminal law.
Aelfhere, I have someone on one of the broadsheets, who read a previous post of mine about this, on the case as we speak. Roll on the Harman Leadership Campaign, and watch the dominoes fall.
But send those who engage in adult homosexual acts to prison, Aelfhere? Think it through...
I'm very interested in your Dawkins quote. Can you tell me what the source is?
ReplyDeleteHe's a diver, for goodness' sake. Of course he wears swimming trunks! Is it necessarily pervy to cover Britain's youngest Olympian? What coverage, in principle, would you accept?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I'll see if I can track it down.
ReplyDeleteLawrence, follow the links, and (be warned) I'm afraid it is a very great deal worse than that. If these were indeed pictures rather than texts, then they would rightly be illegal.