Even Pat Buchanan mercifully stops short of saying "Vote McCain", Robert Kagan's latest vicar on earth.
White Catholics have predominantly voted for the winning candidate in the last eight Presidential Elections. Yes, eight. Every time since 1976.
But what have the Republicans ever done to deserve the blue-collar Catholic vote? They have never done anything, but quite the reverse, to deserve any blue-collar vote at all, on which they have nevertheless long depended. And as for Catholic votes, McCain would merely continue the long Republican tradition of pretending to be against abortion while doing absolutely nothing to kill the goose the lays the electoral golden eggs.
Obama might be no better, although he might surprise us: as C S Lewis pointed out, nobody ever converted from unbelief to liberal Christianity; and the black churches are not without their pro-lifers, as well as being mainstays of things like the Alliance for Marriage.
But he would certainly be no worse, because he simply could not possibly be any worse.
Knowing that what AIPAC wants, AIPAC gets, I don’t see any reason McCain won’t pick Lieberman and be praised for placing a unifying ticket before the American people so as to move beyond the bipartisan bickering..blah, blah, damnable blah.
ReplyDeleteI am the same age as Israel and I have yet to see a “massive revolt” against the so called conservative republicans while I have seen many putative Christians show more concern for Israel than babies in the womb.