Saturday, 3 May 2008

It's Either Us Or The BNP

The BNP's mayoral candidate in London took three times as many votes as the UKIP one, a sitting MEP. The BNP made gains all over the place, and it now has a list member of the Greater London Assembly. It is on course for nine Strasbourg seats next year, one in every English region (UKIP will be lucky to contest every region). From there, it will be a very short step to the first place past the post in several Westminster constituencies in 2010. Only we can stop them. You know what you need to do.


  1. This makes it sound like the BNP are an unstoppable steamroller. In truth they are nibbling surely?

  2. They won't be nibbling when they have nine, if not 11, if not 12 MEPs, only a year before a Westminster election. Only we can stop them.

    George Galloway picked the Westminster seat where Respect had done best for Strasbourg, and won it. The BNP could do the same, a dozen times over. So we must do so instead, several dozen times over.
