I am most grateful to whoever has just posted this splendid but anonymous comment:
Today on Harry's Place, they carry in full the following press release from the Communist Party of Britain:
"Unity For Peace and Socialism (UFPS) called for respect for China's sovereignty and borders today following attacks by supporters of Tibetan separatists on the Olympic torch relay.
The UFPS alliance is running a slate of 13 candidates in the May 1 Greater London Assembly (GLA) London-wide list election.
UFPS condemns the recent pogrom by followers of the Dalai Lama on innocent civilians in Tibet, which resulted in the deaths of ten people and the destruction of many workers' and shopkeepers' livelihoods.
UFPS GLA candidate Charlie May said: "The recent violence and ensuing protests by a small minority of well-funded activists in Athens, London, Paris, San Francisco and elsewhere constitute an attack on the constitutional and territorial integrity of the sovereign republic of China."
In an echo of the rhetoric of the far right, the British Free Tibet campaign and the Dalai Lama have accused "Han Chinese" of committing "cultural genocide" through mass migration to Tibet.
Non-ethnic Tibetans make up only five per cent of the population of the province, compared with the 33 per cent ethnic-minority population of London.
"London has a large and well-established Chinese community," said Mr May.
"This support for the small minority of violent thugs who carried out a campaign of murder and destruction in Lhasa and other cities puts British Chinese people at risk of racial discrimination and violence from elements such as the fascist British National Party and the National Front."
Mr May pointed out that Tibetan separatists want to see an unelected feudal aristocracy led by the former-slave-owing Dalai Lama in power in Tibet, thereby returning the Tibetan people to serfdom.
He noted that the Chinese government had recently built the world's highest railway line between Qinghai to Lhasa in Tibet to help develop the region.
"We do not object to the British supporters of Tibetan separatists exercising their right to protest in a peaceful manner." Mr May stressed.
"However, we reserve our own right to object to their physical attacks on the Olympic torch procession and their racist rhetoric towards so-called 'Han Chinese' and other ethnic groups.
"We support Beijing's hosting of the 2008 games. We hope that despite the British Government's questionable record on human rights, respect for international law and the sovereignty of nations, the 2012 London Olympic games will be allowed to pass off peacefully in a spirit of racial harmony."
Mr May added that while the media had given almost zero coverage to the huge anti-war protests last month, the tiny protests in support of Tibetan separatism had made headlines for weeks."
Then they go on:
"The Communist Party of Britain is a tiny and discredited organisation with about 1,000 members, which almost nobody votes for."
Yes. But pots and kettles.
"And this is what they believe."
Well, if even they can see it HP, then why the hell can't you? Every word of this press release is correct, and shame on you for being out done by the CPB.
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