Se there we have it. It is not illegal for a government to send troops to fight in an illegal war. The war might be illegal, but the deployment of troops in it isn't. Got that?
Contrary to yet another lie, Muqtada al-Sadr has absolutely no intention of dismantling his militia, which only exists because of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Did someone say "The War Against Terrorism"? As someone who is now a Eustonite Darth Vadar said back when he was still Anakin Skywalker, it should be known by its acronym. If he ever gets the safe seat nomination that he's obviously after, then I might write to the local paper there with that anecdote.
And then there are these people. If the Iraqis have been liberated, then why aren't they being carried through the streets as heroes?
And so it goes on. And on. And on.
Which is why, in response to several communications today, I won't be bothering to sue, or otherwise act against, those who harass me as outlined yesterday. Their treatment of me is criminal and reprehensible, of course. But it is as nothing compared to their murder of a million people, and rising by the hour.
Hilary Armstrong seems rather more guilty than the likes of Kamm and David Toube where a million dead are concerned. Take action against her. At the ballot box.