I have just looked at Harry's Place after Martin Miller's comment about it on a post below, and someone on it is impersonating me directly, although they are so thick that they have actually posted something Martin might have written without embarrassment, and I can endorse without embarrassment:
"You [Oliver Kamm] are completely obsessed with the idea that all sorts of people are one and the same. If you weren't so rich or so posh, you'd be committed. Anyway who might in fact be the same person as Oliver Kamm?
As for the BPA only existing in my/David Lindsay's imagination, you seem to devote an enormous amount of attention to it. And if you are nevertheless going to try and become one of its PPCs, then you must have signed up to its Statement of Principles and the accompanying documents, otherwise you can't be one. Have you?
It says a very great deal that your fan site is maintained by Straight Left. It certainly gives some context and perspective to your book."
They've even copied out part of Martin's comment on here! How stupid is that!
I have never posted a comment on Harry's Place, and I never will. Perhaps its readers know this, and this prank is some sort of joke. But then again...
Educated beyond their intelligence. No wonder it cost so much even to get them where they are.
Whereas Kamm really did briefly try and post anonymous comments on here until you exposed him.
ReplyDeleteAs you say, I could actually have written this. It's all true. And of course, I actually did write some of it, on here earlier today. You've got to laugh.
Kamm's behaviour has made him practically unemployable, but he never really needed to work in the first place. So he now has nothing much to do, but an awful lot of money with which to do it. I wouldn't be surprised if every comment on Harry's Place was by him.
Unfortantely his views have not made him unemployable. These people picked the wrong side in the defining battle of the next generation, yet they will neither shut up nor go away. And no one seems prepared to make them.
Kamm has the audacity to talk about "open selection procedures" when he is at the centre of a selection procedure rigging mafia for those who do or would discharge their parliamentary responsibilities under daily direction from the PNAC and the AEI.
And if he doesn't want Neil Clark to become MP for Wantage, then he should put up as an Independent there. Why doesn't he?
And, after all, Labour would never have him after he told people to vote Tory last time. Doing that sort of thing among one's own is one thing, but in the Times? Tut tut, Oliver. We thought that you were better bred than that. Likewise, the Tories would never now take Douglas Murray, after he used the Spectator to advocate a Labour vote in Ealing Southall. Why don't they set up a neocon party and see how far they get?
When did Kamm try to post anonymous comments here, and when and how did David expose him? I'm a regular reader, and I missed it.
ReplyDeleteWhen the BPA was launched. I had to reject, shall we say, "repeated" comments in his inimitable style and quoting from his book (though without attribution), including more than one "Why haven't you published my last comment?" as if he owned this blog!
ReplyDeleteSo I got someone to post a sort of pastiche under the name Oliver Kamm, although he went a bit far and linked to the Great Man's blog (not something that I'd ever do), which might have led the unwary to imagine that it was actually by him.
In fact, had it been, then it would have been even more pompous and self-regarding than it was. Some people are beyond parody. And Kamm is increasingly beyond even self-parody.
So none of this was public? "Exposed" is hardly the word, in that case.
ReplyDeleteIt is now.
ReplyDeleteNot really, because you haven't posted any proof. It's just unsubstantiated allegation. I don't believe it, for a start. But I might if you demonstrated it to be true.
ReplyDeleteWell, it would be in good company in relation to Kamm, Hrary's Place, et al.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this matter is closed. I'll be blogging again about the Queen's Speech, which matters.