Saturday, 9 June 2007

The Vatican, Turkey and the EU

Why on earth is the Vatican now supporting Turkish accession to the EU? Turkey would always eventually have reverted to the Caliphate that it was the last country to give up, and might now do so at any moment. The welcoming of Turkey into NATO and the EU is a key part of neoconservatism's close alliance with Islam, from 1980s Afghanistan, through 1990s Yugoslavia, to today's Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kosovo and Chechnya. That alliance has removed one of the Arab world's two principal bulwarks (in Iraq) against Wahhabism and against the culturally related expression of Shi'ism, and it is threatening to remove the other such bulwark (in Syria).

It is bad enough that we already have to live by laws enacted by those in the European Parliament, not to say on or around the Council of Ministers, who are Stalinists (technically so called), Trotskyists, neo-Fascists, neo-Nazis, or believers that the Provisional Army Council of the IRA is the sovereign body throughout Ireland. But increasingly, those same institutions also subject us to members of the interlocking global neoconservative and Islamist networks, a situation which Turkish accession would only make even worse.

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