It used to be beyond me why Bulgaria and Romania wanted to become members of the EU. But then I thought why their people, like numerous Poles and others, might wish to take advantage of that membership by fleeing to Western Europe. Fleeing from what? From the backwash of a long-gone system, several of whose senior figures now sit in the new Politburo and its new rubber-stamp "Parliament"? Hardly! They are fleeing from the red-in-tooth-and-claw neoliberalism that those same people earned their present positions by imposing in the 1990s, and to which that Politburo, headed by a "former" Maoist and including a number of other old fellow-travellers such as Peter Mandelson, is fiercely committed for the whole EU, having merely changed Marxism's ending so that the bourgeoisie wins.
The achievements in education, health care and public transport of the old Soviet Bloc (as noted by, among others, Peter Hitchens in The Abolition of Britain), or of Cuba today, must not blind us to the manifold wickednesses in other areas. But the reverse also holds. The neocon-run, neocon-backed EU's well-advanced attempts to do to Western Europe what has been done to Eastern Europe must be opposed root and branch by the movement that simultaneously defended the best conservative values both against the Soviet Union and its "British" supporters, and against the "British" supporters of (among other things, including an act of high treason against the present Queen) a Boer Republic set up as an explicit act of anti-British revenge in a former Dominion of the Crown by people who had been interred during the Second World War because of their pro-Nazi activities.
That movement needs to be rebuilt, and then built up in the countries from which people are trying to escape, so that they do not feel any such need. If saying this and acting upon it make me a "the prophet, apostle and high priest of paleo-Labour", with its "Old Labour means to High Tory ends", then I am proud to be such a "statist, syndicalist, nationalist and theoconservative". And so are plenty of other people. The majority, indeed and as ever, of the British People.
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