Saturday 8 June 2024

Bullet Points

In 2019, the engaging Dr David Sewell of the Green Party took more votes than Richard Holden's margin of victory at North West Durham, but it was hardly as if the right-wing Labour machine resented the loss of Laura Pidcock. While that loss had been foreseeable and foreseen, only her own social circle had made any serious effort to prevent it. She herself has get over it with good grace, since she had contested elections before. Not so her much older, yet ballot box virginal, tea boy.

But if either or both of Sunny Moon-Schott and Chris Bradburn showed signs of repeating the trick at North Durham this year, then Luke Akehurst himself would be confronted with the fact that he was not in Oxford, or even Hackney, anymore, and that up here, these things were not decided by who knew the Standing Orders better. If I were the Green candidate, then I would buy a gun. In general, Workers Party candidates probably already have access to them.

Now that I am no longer a candidate, my interest is in what comes after this General Election rather than in the immediate outcome of the thing itself. But I shall be voting for Bradburn. Assuming that George Galloway kept his seat, then for every 200 votes that it had received nationwide, the Workers Party of Britain would receive £38.75 in Short Money. There is no other party that I would rather have my 19p.


  1. It should always have been you, you should have been our MP for 20 years.

    1. I am going to enjoy quite how bad the next Parliament is going to be. Thanks to central party imposition, mostly. There will be no blaming party members then.

    2. At least it'll be a hung Parliament. We can take that to the bank, right?

    3. It no longer makes any difference to me.

  2. With you off the ballot why should we vote for the WPB? It's not you, it screwed you over and it's supported by Ben Sellers.

    1. It needs the extra £38.75 if 200 people vote for it.
