Wednesday 12 June 2024

And What Issues They Face

I told you that no one on the Left could share with Ben Sellers any major or many minor disagreements with me without also disagreeing in the same terms with George Galloway, so that anyone in the Workers Party of Britain who agreed more with Sellers than with me would have to be either hopelessly naïve or an entryist. And here we are.

What does even Oliver Kamm, who gloats that he arranged this candidacy, have to say about this? My withdrawal from this election is the biggest regret of my life, but it is done. Like hundreds of people who have been in touch, I now cannot vote for any candidate at North Durham. And notice that this one copies in the Workers Party's National Election Coordinator, and candidate at Cities of London and Westminster, who has the EU flag in his Twitter biography.


  1. "My withdrawal from this election is the biggest regret of my life."
    I thought your biggest regret was your guilty plea?

    1. It was until this. But that was on bad legal advice. This is on good medical advice. Still, the regret is real.

    2. "Regrets, I've had a few .."

    3. I'll not be having quite a few for quite a while.
