Monday 7 March 2022

Unhappy In Its Own Way?

Saturation coverage continues of one of the world's numerous wars that we are not in. If we were, then any trade with Russia would be high treason, and all Russian citizens in Britain would be interned as enemy aliens, as advocated by the Labour Party at least implicitly, since its whip continues to extend to MPs who express that view.

We are arming Ukraine because Britain arms any and everyone as long as they can pay. To question that is now to be beyond the acceptable limits of the Official Opposition, like having a history of opposition to Vladimir Putin when Tony Blair was accompanying him to the opera and claiming to have "seen into his soul". Or like having a history of opposition to Saddam Hussein when the Major Government was still arming him even after the first Gulf War. Or like opposing or even mentioning the war that we are in, namely the one in Yemen, which has serving British Officers in the command room.

How different matters might have been if the British media had expressed for the invaded and occupied people of Iraq the ferocious sympathy that they were expressing for the invaded and occupied people of Ukraine, and how different matters might be if the British media covered the British war in Yemen at all, never mind to the extent that they were covering the war in Ukraine. But like Iraqis, Yemenis do not "look like us". If they look at least no less like you than Ukrainians do, then you are obviously not one of "us".


  1. Ever so slowly people are waking up to these hypocrisies.
