Friday 18 March 2022

Shipping Lines

Over to the Government that gave £14 million to a ferry company that had no ferries. P&O is in fact state-owned, just not by this state. DP World is owned by the Emirate of Dubai. That is of course one of the United Arab Emirates, where trade unions are illegal.

But whatever has made possible the outrage at P&O, then it is not Brexit. In 1972, could balaclava-clad private security guards have wielded handcuffs and teargas as they evicted workers from their workplaces, which for the duration of their work were also their homes, with absolutely no notice whatever?

All of the anti-union legislation was enacted while Britain was a member of what was really always the EU, and the biggest ever attack on British workers' rights, the Trade Union Act 2016, was brought to us by the Prime Minister who not only campaigned for Remain, but who resigned when Leave won.


  1. Yep, the Tories were never the party of Brexit.

    1. None of them was until the referendum result, and then both of the main ones flipped overnight. Corbyn called for Article 50 immediately.
