Sunday 6 March 2022

Couping Up

Common to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and elsewhere, the culture that descends from the Rus' has no shortage of glories in literature, music, architecture, iconography, science, engineering, and other fields. It is also corrupt, authoritarian, and prone to coups.

In Russia, Vladimir Putin will remain in office while his old KGB clique wanted him. As soon as that were no longer the case, then there would be a palace coup. In Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky will remain in office until those who had staged the coup of 2014 felt the need to stage another one. They are Svoboda, Pravy Sektor, National Corps, C14, the Azov Battalion, the Aidar Battalion, the Donbas Battalion, the Dnipro-1 Battalion, the Dnipro-2 Battalion, and all the rest of them.

Right here in Britain, right there on Amazon, you can buy Azov Battalion branded tat. Where does the money go? But then, Britain is also corrupt, authoritarian, and prone to coups. If Boris Johnson did not see out this Parliament as Prime Minister, then this would be the third in succession, and the fourth of the last five, in which the Prime Minister had changed part way through. Neither in 2007 nor in 2016 did even the governing party's MPs, much less anyone else, have a vote.


  1. If the Ukrainian Nazis suspect Zelensky of selling out, and they don't trust some Jewish media johnny anyhow, they won't only end his presidency, they'll end his life.

    1. Putin and Zelensky are both fighting for their lives. The one who had lost will be a dead man.
