Thursday 2 December 2021

Health and Care

Sent before the appointment of Wes Streeting proved my point, this letter has appeared in certain select organs:

The Health and Care Bill will complete the process of NHS privatisation that began with the election of New Labour in 1997.

Before Tony Blair, Alan Milburn and Paul Corrigan came to power, then the idea of privatising the NHS was found only on the outermost fringe of political discourse. After their accession, then it became the cross-party orthodoxy that it has remained ever since, including while Jeremy Corbyn was Leader of the Labour Party in opposition to most Labour MPs, who remained and remain staunchly Blairite. 

Consequently, while there has been a pro forma Labour vote against this Bill, the party has no plan to repeal it once it has become law. Therefore, no one should cast even a pro forma vote for the Labour Party for the House of Commons. We need to make our own arrangements instead.


  1. We can't say this too many times, New Labour started the privatisation of our NHS.

    1. It was Blairism's signature domestic policy. It still is.
